
The Venues API enables you to find and retrieve information about restaurants.

The API can be used to:

Venue details

If you know the id of a restaurant, you can request detailed information about it. A request for a venue’s details contains more information, such as a list of tags, images, menu’s, opening hours and more.

To retrieve all data for a single venue use the following URL format:

Venue lists

If you know the id’s of several restaurants, you can request information about all of them with 1 request.

To retrieve information about multiple venues, use the following URL format:

The :ids parameter is a comma separated list of venue id’s. The results that are returned are sorted by rating. To control how these results are sorted, see the section about sorting results.

Searching for venues

You can perform a full text search on our database and find restaurants that match your query.

To search for venues, use the following URL format:

The results that are returned are sorted by relevance. To control how these results are sorted, see the section about sorting results.


You can find restaurants near a given geolocation with the geolocation parameter.

To search for venues near a point, use the following URL format:,:longitude

The results that are returned are sorted by distance. To control how these results are sorted, see the section about sorting results.

Results returned also include an extra distance attribute with the distance to the given location in meters.

You can limit the number of restaurants returned by supplying an optional max_distance parameter with a the maximum distance in kilometers.

To search for venues within a specified distance of a location, use the following URL format:,:longitude

Geolocation can be mixed with search, so it’s possible to find restaurants matching a query near a given location. Results are sorted by relevance, but you can sort by distance too. To search for venues matching a query near a location, use the following URL format:,:longitude

Filtering results

It is possible to further limit the number of restaurants returned by applying filters. It is possible to filter restaurants by:

Filtering by country

To only return restaurants from a specified country, use the following URL format:

:country_id is the id of a country which can be obtained using the Locations API.

Filtering by location

To only return restaurants from a specified location, use the following URL format:

:location_id is the id of a location which can be obtained using the Locations API.

Filtering by tags

To only return restaurants that have one or more tags, you can use the following URL format:

The :tags parameter is a comma separated list of tags. To find out what tags are available, use the Tags API.

Sorting results

It is possible to sort venues with the sort_by parameter. You can sort venues by:

  • rating – Highest rated venues are returned first
  • reviews – Venues with the most reviews are returned first

If the geolocation parameter is set, it’s also possible to sort venues by:

  • distance – Nearest venues are returned first

If the query parameter is present, you can sort venues by:

  • relevance – Most relevant venues are returned first

To sort venues by a different criteria, use the following URL format: