
The Users API enables you to retrieve information about users.

The API can be used to:

To find a specific user by email, you can use the following URL:

This will return 1 or 0 results because email is a unique property of our users. It is not possible to search by email fractions.

User details

If you know the id of a user, you can request it’s information

To retrieve information about a user use the following URL format:


With the user favourites API you can access the favourites of a user

It can be used to:

Favourite list

You can get a list of all venues marked as favourite by a user by requesting the following URL:

Create a favourite

You can create a favourite for a user by issuing a http POST to the following url:

The body needs to contain the variable venue_id with the id of the venue you want to mark favourite as value.

You are only allowed to add favourites to the currently logged in user

Delete a favourite

You can delete a favourite by issuing a http DELETE to the following url:

The :venue_id parameter is the id of the venue you no longer wish to mark as favourite

You are only allowed to remove favourites from the currently logged in user


You can get a list of all reviews belonging to the user by requesting the following URL:


You can get a list of all followers of a profile by requesting the following URL:


With the user following API you can access the users that are followed by the given user

It can be used to:

Following list

You can get a list of user being followed by the given user by requesting the following URL:


You can follow a user by issuing a http POST to the following url:

The body needs to contain the variable ‘id’ with the id of the user you want to follow. You can only add to this list for the currently logged in user.


You can unfollow a user by issuing a http DELETE to the following url:

The :user_id parameter is the id of the user you no longer wish to follow. You are only allow to remove followed users for the currently loggen in user.